Condominium FAQs
- Frequently asked questions regarding condominiums and the Real Estate Branch:
Real Estate Branch Services
- What Services Does the Real Estate Branch (REB) Provide to the Condominium Community?
- Where Do I File a Complaint?
- Where Can I Find Information on Mediation?
- Will the REB Represent Me in a Complaint?
- Can I Get Copies of Documents From The Real Estate Branch (REB)?
- Does the REB Have CPR maps?
- Does Your Office Provide Assistance on Homeowners Associations and Cooperatives?
- Does Your Office Handle Real Estate Appraisers, Short Term Vacation Rentals, Landlord-Tenant Issues, Permitting, or Subdivision?
- Does Your Office have Subdivision Public Offering Statements or Timeshare Disclosure Statements?
- Why is There Missing Association Info On The Database?
- Where Are The Legislative Reports the Real Estate Branch Has Worked On?
Board Issues And Condominium Law
- I'm a New Board Member, Where Do I Start Getting Educated?
- I'm looking for help understanding condominium insurance, where can I get resources?
- Is My Property a Condo?
- Where Can I Find a Copy of the Condominium Law and Rules?
- Can the Real Estate Commission Step in to Resolve Disputes Between Owners and the Association, Owners and the Board, Owners and the Managing Agent, or Disputes Between Owners?
- I Believe a Board Member Has a Conflict of Interest. Can This Member Be Removed?
- My Board/Managing Agent Won’t Provide Me with Association Documents
- Can I be Charged a Fee for Receiving Information?
- I Don’t Agree with the Management of My Condominium Association. Can I Stop Paying My Maintenance Fees, or Place it in an Escrow Account until My Dispute with the Association is Resolved?
- I Believe My Board Used Proxy Ballots Illegally. What Steps Can I Take?
- Am I Required to Sign an Affidavit Prior to Receiving Certain Association Documents?
- Does HRS 514A or 514B Apply to My Condominium Association?
- Does the Condo Law Require Condominium Associations to have a Managing Agent?
- Must Condominium Occupants Allow Association Personnel Access to Their Units?
- Must The Board Provide Notice to the Owners of an Association/Board Meeting?
- I Live in a Cooperative/Community/Homeowners Association. Does the Condominium Law Apply to My Association?
- How Do I Go About Making a Change to the Condominium Law?
- Why Do We Have to Register the AOUO?
- Who Do I Call For Issues With Renters?
- Does the Real Estate Branch Have Educational Material on Pets And Assistance Animals?
- Does the Real Estate Branch Have Educational Material on Condominium Insurance?
- Does the Real Estate Branch Have Educational Material on Condominium Meetings?
- Does the Real Estate Branch Have Educational Material on Condominium Budgeting and Reserves?
- Is My Association Registered and Eligible For Subsidized Mediation/Arbitration?
Budget, Finances, and Reserves
- Can a Board Increase My Maintenance Fees?
- Can a Board Exceed The Annual Budget?
- What are Reserves?
- Can my association use a certain bank or financial institution to handle our association's money?
- When does the reserves law go into effect?
- How does an association know if its reserves are sufficient?
- Why was it necessary to pass the reserves law?
- Why are association reserves necessary?
- Won't this reserves law increase the cost of living in a condominium?
- Can associations or their members do their own reserve studies or must they hire professionals?
- What if the association's reserve study is wrong - the association's reserve turns out to be inadequate?
- If we change managing agents, will that reduce the maintenance fee or reserve requirements?
- Must the association have a separate reserve account for the money for each item, such as the roof, elevators, or paving?
- Our documents limit the money our board can spend without owner approval. How does the reserves law affect those limits in our declaration?
- What if my board refuses to make a reserve study for our project or refuses to establish a reserve?
Condominium Developer
- Can I CPR My Property, it Has x Amount of Square Feet and is Zoned x?
- What can I advertise prior to the issuance of an effective date?
- As A Developer, Do I Have To Hire A Reserve Study Preparer?
- My Project Has No Common Elements, What Should My Reserve Study Look Like?
- Does Your Office Handle Subdivision?
- Are Condo Units The Same As Subdivision & Are They Exempted From Zoning Regulations?
- What is a "Developer" and can I do a condominium without being a developer?
- Do I Have To Hire An Lawyer To Prepare The Developer's Public Report?
- Where Can I Get More Information On Developing a Condo?
- What Does The Agricultural Verification Letter Look Like?
- My condominium property has some code violations and unpermitted additions; can I still register the project and sell units if I disclose them?
- Can I Condo a Guest House, Additional Rental Unit, Ohana or Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)?
- I, the developer have sold all the units. What obligations do I have now?
- I’m a co-developer in a project, am I responsible for units owned by the other developers?
- As a developer, did my chapter 514A, HRS, project transfer to chapter 514B, HRS?
- I'm a developer of a chapter 514A, HRS, project that transferred to chapter 514B, what do I do now?
- I'm a developer of a chapter 514A, HRS, project that transferred to chapter 514B, but I need to amend for changes, how do I do that?
- I'm a developer of a chapter 514A, HRS, project, and I missed the deadline to transfer to chapter 514B, what do I do now?
- I'm a developer, do I have to use a broker to sell units?
- Can I electronically deliver the developer's public report to a buyer?
- Why do I have to file an annual report as a developer?
Condominium Hotel Operator