Bulletin Index (2014-Current)

ANNUAL MEETINGS Back to the Future –  Owners Participating in Annual Meetings Via Skype June-14 3
ANNUAL MEETINGS Can boards cancel an election for board members at the last minute? March-23 4
ANNUAL MEETINGS Continuation or Cancellation of Annual Meetings December-23 1
ANNUAL MEETINGS During the pandemic, may we have our meetings on an electronic platform like Zoom? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-20 8
ANNUAL MEETINGS Our annual association meeting was cancelled due to the pandemic. Will the proxies be valid for the rescheduled meeting? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-20 6
ARBITRATION I want to submit a dispute I’m having with my association to binding arbitration. Does the Real Estate Commission subsidize this? January-19 3
ASSESSMENTS If I purchase a unit in a foreclosure auction, am I responsible for any delinquent fees? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-17 4
ASSOCIAITION DOCUMENTS Our condominium documents are from the 1960s and haven’t been updated. What do we do? December-23 7
ASSOCIATION AOUO Construction Do’s and Don’t December-18 5
ASSOCIATION Association Meetings, Elections & Records June-19 6
ASSOCIATION Association’s Power to Borrow Money for Common Elements and Other Property June-18 3
ASSOCIATION Can an owner sell their storage unit separate and apart from their living unit? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-19 5
ASSOCIATION Can I dispute a bill for fines and related attorney’s fees? Ask the Condominium Specialist March-20 5
ASSOCIATION Can the Association take action via written consent without having a meeting? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-15 4
ASSOCIATION Creating Safe and Welcoming Communities for People and Pets January-19 5
ASSOCIATION Decisions of the Association Are Binding on Unit Owners and their Tenants June-18 1
ASSOCIATION Does the law give individual unit owners the right to make decisions within their association without input from other owners? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-21 4
ASSOCIATION Frequently Asked Questions on Condominium Unit Renovations June-21 1
ASSOCIATION House Rules June-18 1
ASSOCIATION How Do We Balance the Medical Marijuana Users’ and Non-Smokers’ Interests in Condominium Buildings and Planned Communities? September-18 5
ASSOCIATION I want my association to repair a window. They are refusing. Aren’t they responsible? January-19 3
ASSOCIATION I’d like to join my condominium association’s short-term rental pool. What is the law pertaining to this? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-21 6
ASSOCIATION Maintaining the Basic Structure and Operation of a Condominium Association December-15 2
ASSOCIATION Mandated Fire Safety Improvements June-24 1
ASSOCIATION Must an Association incorporate to open a bank account? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-17 4
ASSOCIATION Our board conducted unpermitted construction work.  After being fined by the city, they hired a professional contractor to complete the work.  The owners are being held responsible to pay for the fine and the construction work.  What is our recourse? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-19 5
ASSOCIATION Our bylaws allow the association to conduct business without holding meetings.  Is this legal? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-14 4
ASSOCIATION Reminder – Check Your Condo Docs March-22 4
ASSOCIATION Reminder – Check Your Condo Docs, Check the Statute June-22 6
ASSOCIATION Reminder – Check Your Condo Docs, Check the Statute, Private Dispute Resolution September-22 1
ASSOCIATION Someone in my building tested positive for COVID. Do other residents have the right to know? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-20 5
ASSOCIATION Technology Affecting Community Associations December-20 3
ASSOCIATION The Association – Limited Oversight June-18 3
ASSOCIATION The Unit Owners’ Association and its Powers March-18 1
ASSOCIATION Upkeep of the Property: The Association’s v. An Owner’s Obligations September-18 1
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS Access to Documents March-21 1
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS How much can I be charged for documents? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-15 6
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS I received copies of the declaration and bylaws when I purchased my unit. How do I know if these copies are current? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-22 4
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS I requested a copy of my association’s recent financial statement and have been asked to provide an affidavit. Must I? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-21 4
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS I requested financial documents from my association. I was told I must provide an affidavit. Can they deny my request if I don’t submit an affidavit? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-22 4
ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS Who is responsible for providing documents requested by an owner? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-17 4
ASSOCIATION FINANCES Associations Need a Priority of Payment Policy March-18 4
BOARD MEETINGS Our board sometimes meets online with no owners present. These meetings include voting on association matters. Are the votes valid? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-22 4
BOARD OF DIRECTORS A Board Member’s Fiduciary Duties March-20 2
BOARD OF DIRECTORS A Conflict of Circumstance September-17 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS As Good As Gold June-22 3
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Avoiding Recalls June-16 5
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Eligibility Limitations January-19 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Meetings December-17 2
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Member’s Fiduciary Duty and Degree of Care and Loyalty December-18 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Responsibility June-17 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Responsibility December-19 8
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Can a board appoint members to the board on the resignation of a sitting board member? Don’t they have to hold a vote of the owners? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-22 4
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Can the Board conduct meetings by email? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-16 5
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Can the Board refuse to let me install solar panels? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-16 5
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Congratulations! You’re Elected to the Board – Now What? June-16 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Director’s Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interests June-20 2
BOARD OF DIRECTORS If a board member has COVID, should the owners be made aware that a board member is sick? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-20 8
BOARD OF DIRECTORS My condo board is holding special meetings on short or no notice. Is this legal? June-24 5
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Purpose of the Association’s Board September-18 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert’s Rules Corner – Who Owns the Agenda December-18 2
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Some owners are unhappy about actions taken by our board.  What can we do? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-14 4
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Three Points to Keep in Mind March-17 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tips on Successfully Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Obligations September-15 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS What do Boards need to consider when renting out association-owned units? September-14 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS What Kind of Board Member Are You? September-16 6
BUDGET Answers to Board Members Top 10 Budget Questions March-16 3
BUDGET Does the board need the approval of a majority of unit owners to increase the annual operating budget by more than 20%? September-23 7
BYLAWS Amendment of Bylaws January-19 1
BYLAWS The bylaws forbid installation of a solar hot water heater for my unit. Is there a Hawaii law that allows the installation? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-14 4
COMMON ELEMENTS A few owners have added plants to the common area, however this is prohibited by our declaration. June-24 3
COMMON ELEMENTS Maintaining The Common Elements of a Condominium Association September-15 5
COMMON ELEMENTS, LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS Is the floor in my unit a common area? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-14 5
COMMON ELEMENTS, LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS What is the difference between the common elements and the limited common elements? September-15 6
COMMON EXPENSES Can we base a unit’s share of a common expense on usage? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-17 4
COMMON EXPENSES Must an owner pay for a common element he doesn’t use? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-16 5
COMMUNICATION Avoiding Conflict with the Neighbors June-18 2
COMMUNICATION Live or Virtual? December-21 1
COMMUNICATION Posting Association Protocols For Owner Inquiries December-14 3
COMPLAINTS Making a Complaint Under Hawaii’s Self-governing Condo Law December-22 3
CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME If a property is removed from a condominium property regime, what happens to the association’s reserve funds? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-21 4
CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME What procedure would allow me to place several residential units on my property? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-16 4
DISPUTE RESOLUTION Judiciary Online Dispute Resolution September-22 3
DISPUTE RESOLUTION Steps To Resolving Disputes December-20 1
ENERGY CODES New Energy Codes Keep Coming and Can Be Exceeded March-14 1
FAIR HOUSING ACT Learning to Live with the Fair Housing Act September-17 6
GOVERNANCE Condominium Basics – Introduction to Condominium Governance September-19 1
GOVERNANCE Condominium Basics – Introduction to Condominium Governance December-19 1
GOVERNANCE Condominium Basics – Introduction to Condominium Governance March-20 1
GOVERNANCE Condominium Basics – Introduction to Condominium Governance June-20 1
GOVERNANCE Condominium Basics – Introduction to Condominium Governance September-20 1
GOVERNANCE How can an association legally change tennis courts to pickleball courts? March-23 4
GOVERNANCE My association has rarely enforced certain rules. How do we start enforcing them again? June-24 5
GOVERNANCE Owners Welcome – Condominium Governance December-16 5
GOVERNANCE The Future of Self Governance and Reserve Obligations September-16 7
GOVERNANCE The Health Effects of Secondhand Emissions from Cannabis and Tobacco Products in Housing (Smoking) March-24 1
GOVERNANCE Thinking of Buying a Condo? December-19 2
GOVERNANCE What’s That Sound? June-24 5
HAWAII COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS History of The Hawaii Council of Community Associations December-15 4
INSURANCE HO6 and HO4 Homeowner’s Policies September-21 1
INSURANCE Insurance Smarts March-15 4
INSURANCE Is My Condominium Association Legally Required to Obtain Flood Insurance?-Ask the Condominium Specialist September-18 3
INSURANCE Now That You Own It, Don’t Forget to Insure It June-14 1
INSURANCE The Changing Landscape of Property Insurance in Hawaii June-24 1
INSURANCE Understanding Condominium Insurance Claims March-22 1
INSURANCE Would Insurance Cover Us If We’re Sued For A Coronavirus Related Issue? September-20 7
LEGISLATION 2014 Legislative Update March-14 5
LEGISLATION 2014 Legislative Update June-14 5
LEGISLATION 2015 Legislative News March-15 3
LEGISLATION 2017 Legislative Session Update June-17 3
LEGISLATION 2017 Legislative Wrap-Up September-17 3
LEGISLATION 2017 Legislature March-17 3
LEGISLATION 2019 Legislative Session Update September-19 5
LEGISLATION 2019 Legislative Update June-19 5
LEGISLATION 2023 Legislative Session Update September-23 5
LEGISLATION Are there any proposed bills that would affect condominium associations? Ask the Condominium Specialist March-20 5
LEGISLATION Chapter 514A Repeal – Frequently Asked Questions December-17 5
LEGISLATION Did the Governor veto the condominium non-judicial foreclosure bill? September-19 5
LEGISLATION Do Hawaii laws 421J and 414D apply to my condominium association? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-22 5
LEGISLATION Does the Real Estate Branch propose changes to the condominium law? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-18 4
LEGISLATION Legislative Session 2024 December-23 5
LEGISLATION Legislative Session 2024 March-24 3
LEGISLATION Legislative Update March-21 5
LEGISLATION Legislative Update June-21 8
LEGISLATION Legislative Update 2018 March-18 3
LEGISLATION Legislative Update 2018 June-18 5
LEGISLATION Six Things You Need to Know About the Repeal of the Old Condominium Law, Chapter 514A September-18 2
LEGISLATION The Medical Marijuana Debate June-14 2
LEGISLATION The Repeal of Chapter 514A September-17 4
LEGISLATION Upcoming Major Change in Law on Directors’ and Officers’ Fiduciary Duties December-17 3
LEGISLATION Upcoming Repeal of HRS Chapter 514A March-18 3
LEGISLATION What’s Up At The Leg? June-24 3
LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS Selling or Trading a Parking Stall? September-14 6
LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS When Selling or Buying a Condo Unit, Be Careful About that Parking Stall September-19 2
LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS When Selling or Buying a Condo Unit, Careful About that Parking Stall December-15 5
MAINTENANCE A  tenant asked workers, hired by the association, to stop work. Now they will not return to finish the job. What do we do? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-17 4
MAINTENANCE Can the Board require owners to make repairs? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-18 4
MAINTENANCE Have You Seen Your Roof Lately? December-16 1
MAINTENANCE I have mold in my unit. What can I do? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-16 5
MAINTENANCE My screen door was replaced improperly in the course of work done by the board. What should I do? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-14 5
MAINTENANCE FEES How can I determine if my maintenance fees are reasonable and how are they calculated? March-24 5
MAINTENANCE FEES Pay First, Dispute Later – It’s the Law March-15 1
MANAGING AGENTS Are employees of a condominium managing agent required to hold a real estate license? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-14 5
MANAGING AGENTS Condominium Managing Agents – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-19 8
MANAGING AGENTS Is a Real Estate Broker Who Manages Condominium Associations Required to Register as a Condominium Managing Agent? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-18 3
MANAGING AGENTS Managing Agents and Resident Managers January-19 2
MEDIATION Best Practices: Finding and Selecting the Right Mediator June-15 8
MEDIATION Can I have my attorney participate in my place? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-17 4
MEDIATION Evaluative Mediation Being Offered to Condominium Owners March-15 2
MEDIATION Facilitative vs Evaluative Mediation December-21 4
MEDIATION Growing Mediation to Resolve Condominium Disputes June-15 1
MEDIATION I understand the Real Estate Branch offers subsidized mediation for condominium owners. Where can I get more information? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-21 5
MEDIATION Mediation – What’s the Beef? March-23 3
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-14 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-14 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-14 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-14 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-15 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-15 9
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-15 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-15 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-16 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-16 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-16 8
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-16 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-17 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-17 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-17 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-17 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-18 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-18 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-18 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-18 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries January-19 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-19 9
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-19 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-19 9
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-20 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-20 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-20 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-20 9
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-21 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-21 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-21 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-21 7
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-22 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-22 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-22 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-23 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries September-23 6
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries December-23 5
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries March-24 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-24 4
MEDIATION Mediation Case Summaries June-24 4
MEDIATION Mediation News September-15 4
MEDIATION Mediation Summaries September-22 5
MEDIATION Where can I submit my condominium dispute to mediation? June-15 6
MEDIATION Why Mediation? Why Not? December-15 1
MINUTES Minutes – Contents December-20 4
MINUTES Minutes:  Contents June-19 1
MINUTES Minutes: Contents June-15 3
MINUTES Minutes: Contents and Rules September-23 1
NOISE Ask The Condo Specialist: What’s That Noise? June-24 5
PROXIES How long must my association keep the proxies and ballots from a recent election? September-19 5
PROXIES What can I do if the Board used Proxies illegally? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-15 6
PROXIES Who can review our proposed proxy ballot to confirm that it is legal? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-14 5
PURCHASING A CONDO Even More Things to Consider Before You Buy a Condo March-24 5
PURCHASING A CONDO What to Consider Before You Buy a Condo September-23 7
PURCHASING A CONDO What to Consider Before You Buy a Condo December-23 7
PURCHASING A CONDO What to Consider Before You Buy a Condo June-23 5
PURCHASING A CONDOMINIUM A relative purchased a condominium in a new building as an owner occupant and must live there for at least a year. Is this available to others? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-22 5
PURCHASING A CONDOMINIUM I’m thinking about buying a condominium. What things should I look for? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-21 4
REGISTRATION, CHO CHO Registration Renewals December-22 6
REGISTRATION, CHO Condominium Hotel Operator Biennial Re-Registration Conducted December-16 6
REGISTRATION, CHO Condominium Hotel Operator Re-registration December-14 5
REGISTRATION, CHO I want to manage short-term rentals of condo units but I do not hold a real estate license. How can I do this? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-18 4
REGISTRATION, CHO CHO Renewals September-22 6
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS AOUO Biennial Registration 2017 – 2019 March-17 3
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS Condominium Association Biennial Registration 2015 – 2017 December-14 4
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS Condominium Association Registration March-21 3
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS Condominium Association Registration 2019 – 2021 Biennium January-19 6
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS Condominium Association Registration 2023-2025 March-23 1
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS Is your Association Registered? June-21 6
REGISTRATION, CONDO ASSOCIATIONS What are the registration requirements for condominium associations? – Ask the Condominium Specialist June-17 4
REGISTRATION, CONDO MANAGING AGENTS Is there a registration that would allow me to manage condominium associations as a condominium managing agent? – Ask the Condominium Specialist September-20 5
REGISTRATION, CONDO MANAGING AGENTS Must a condominium managing agent be registered with the Real Estate Branch? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-14 4
RESERVES 100% Funded Reserve Study vs. 50% Fully Funded Reserve Study September-16 1
RESERVES Excuses, Excuses March-16 1
RESERVES How To Read Your Reserve Study December-14 6
RESERVES Our managing agent presents dated financials at meetings. It’s questionable whether appropriate amounts are being set aside for our reserves. What can we do? – Ask the Condominium Specialist December-22 4
RESERVES What is the Association’s Reserve Fund Condition? December-14 1
RESERVES What’s the Association’s Reserve Fund Condition? June-16 4
RESERVES When should my association begin collecting reserves for future maintenance? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-15 4
RESERVES Will we be subject to regulatory sanctions if our reserves fall below 50%? – Ask the Condominium Specialist March-14 4
RESIDENT MANAGERS Managing Agents and Resident Managers January-19 2
RESOURCES Resources for Condo Owners March-23 8
RULES Ask The Condo Specialist: Selective Enforcement of Rules June-24 5
SEMINARS CONDORAMA 11/4/17 December-17 1
SEMINARS CONDORAMA 4/8/17 March-17 5
SEMINARS Condorama IX December-22 1
SEMINARS HCCA Almost Free Legal Advice 2014 December-14 3
SEMINARS HCCA Educational Seminar 5/26/16 June-16 2
SEMINARS Legislative Bills, Employment Law, County Fire Sprinkler Laws and Disaster Preparedness March-18 4
SEMINARS Planning and Executing Effective Annual and Board Meetings March-18 2
SEMINARS Surviving Your Annual Meeting March-14 6
SERVICE ANIMALS Assistance Animals and the Landlord Tenant Code March-14 3
SERVICE ANIMALS New HUD Guidelines on Assistance Animals June-20 4