Welcome to the Cable Television Division broadband page!
The Cable Television Division works to promote and facilitate access to affordable, broadband-level telecommunications service across the State so that all residents may benefit from the many online applications, programs, and resources available, including telework, e-learning programs, and online job, health, and government services.
Broadband Information
State Broadband Resources
For the latest information on broadband infrastructure and digital equity efforts in Hawaiʻi, including information on federal broadband infrastructure grants for the State, please visit the University of Hawaiʻi Broadband Page and Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism Broadband & Digital Equity Office website here: Broadband for Hawaiʻi | Connecting everyone, everywhere, all the time (hawaii.edu) and DBEDT – Hawaii Broadband & Digital Equity Office
FCC National Broadband Map
The FCC has released its new National Broadband Map, which provides a far more accurate and detailed picture of broadband availability across the country than previously available. Consumers can search for their address and find information about whether broadband service is available, the internet providers that service the location, and maximum applicable download and upload speeds. The map will continue to improve because providers must update information twice a year and stakeholders, including individual consumers, may submit challenges on the accuracy of the map directly through a link on the map itself. The National Broadband Map will be used to inform allocation of federal funding for future broadband projects.
Access the FCC National Broadband Map.