Hawaii Links and Contacts
Links to Hawaii state government and business related internet sites.
State Government
- Hawaii State Government
- Office of the Lieutenant Governor
- The Executive Branch, Departments and Agencies
- The Legislative Branch
- The Judicial Branch
- Guide to Government in Hawaii
- Hawaii Directory of State, County, and Federal Officials
- State of Hawaii Forms
- Hawaii State Constitution
- Department of Agriculture: Statistics
- Department of Transportation: Guide to Permits
- Hawaii Foreign Trade Zone
- Hawaii High Technology Business Directory
- Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
Bureau of Conveyances
County Government
- City and County of Honolulu
- The City and County of Honolulu Real Property Assessment Divisions
- Online property search by address, account or parcel number. Record details include: profile, map, values, sales, residential, commercial, out buildings, permits, sketches, photo and buffer information.
- The City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting
- The Department of Planning and Permitting is responsible for processing applications for land use approvals, zoning and land use permits, construction and building permits and engineering and subdivision permits. Online property search by address, account or parcel number. Record details include: profile, map, values, sales, residential, commercial, out buildings, permits, sketches, photo and buffer information.
Employment Opportunities
Flood Maps
- Affordable Housing Hotline
- About the Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HFDC)
- Landlord-Tenant Information
Lava Flow Hazard Zones and Flow Forecast Methods
Permits and Licenses
Rules and Regulations
- Department of Agriculture, Animal Quarantine Laws
- Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
- State Procurement Office, Administrative Rules