Can I Get Copies of Documents From The Real Estate Branch (REB)?
In the process of registering a condominium project for sale, a developer is required to submit certain documents for initial sale. The registration application is maintained for ten years, after which the application documents are destroyed pursuant to department file retention policies. Developers may not have updated their reports for changes, may have sold all the units thus ending their reporting requirements, and associations who took control of the project after the end of the developer control period do not have authority to update the registration application. It is highly likely that the map, declaration, bylaws, house rules, sales agreements, and other required documents required during submission that the REB maintains are out of date for older projects.
The Commission maintains a public database of Developer’s Public Reports, but these reports generally contain at most limited summaries of the declaration, bylaws, and house rules. Some reports may contain maps.
Please contact the Bureau of Conveyances for the most updated map, declaration, and bylaws as they are the final recording agency for the state. You may also contact your association as they are required by law to provide owners an accurate copy of the declaration, bylaws, and house rules, along with other records such as financial statements, contracts, and ledgers pursuant to §514B-154.5, HRS. Please review the Commission’s brochure on “Obtaining Documents From The Bureau of Conveyances.”
Should you still wish to request a copy of the documents the REB may have, please submit an UIPA request to access a government record form to this office. You will receive a notice to requester with the office’s capacity to meet your request. If the document request can be met, any fees will be noted. Fees may be paid in cash in person at the cashier’s office, or by a check mailed to the Hawaii Real Estate Branch, payable to the DCCA. Do not mail cash.
Revised 7/19/2021