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With natural disasters and severe weather events occurring with growing frequency and intensity, it is more critical than ever for consumers to be prepared for these emergencies. Three components to emergency preparedness involve being informed about the different types of emergencies to which your state and local area are vulnerable, making an emergency plan, and ...
Read More NARUC Launches Consumers and Catastrophes Guide

Held annually in mid March, Fix a Leak Week encourages you to check for leaks around your home, helping to prevent nearly 1 trillion gallons of water wasted nationwide from leaks. For more information on Fix a Leak Wee, visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense webpage.

Nissan North America, Greenlots, Inc., and EVgo are bringing the popular “No Charge to Charge” (NCTC) promotion to the Hawaiian Electric Companies’ service territory. It provides up to two years of free fast-charging for those who purchase or lease a new Nissan LEAF from certified dealers in Hawai‘i after Nov. 1, 2018. A fast charger ...
Read More Nissan ‘No Charge to Charge’ Expands to Hawaii

Hawaiian Electric Companies are warning its customers to be alert for a phone scammers as a spike in reported phone scams have come in recently. The scammers in particular are targeting mainly small businesses and churches. The companies offer the following tips: If the caller says your utility account is delinquent and threatens to shut ...
Read More HECO Warns of Spike in Utility Call Scammers

Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) has updated its website, providing easier navigation and offering new features such as current outage information to the cooperative’s member-owners. “This enhanced, user-friendly format provides more information that our members have been requesting,” stated KIUC’s President and Chief Executive Officer, David Bissell. The new platform also allows members to access ...
Read More KIUC Updates Website with Outage Map, Easier Navigation

The Hawaiian Electric Companies opened applications on October 22 for NEM Plus, a program that allows Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers to add features such as energy storage to their rooftop solar systems. The program is only available to existing NEM customers with HECO, MECO, and HELCO. Read more about it in HECO’s news release. ...
Read More HECO Launches NEM Plus program – Docket No. 2014-0192

October is Energy Action Month, aimed at bringing awareness to and promotion of the importance of energy in our everyday lives. There are a number of ways that you can help make energy sustainable and environmentally friendly. Home Energy Checklist Clean or replace filters in your air conditioner. Find strategies to reduce your water heating ...
Read More October Brings Energy Action Month