Hawaiian Electric Issues Conservation Alert – Oahu

Posted on Jul 31, 2024 in Hot Topics, Important Events, Main

Update 8/1/2024

Hawaiian Electric has successfully stabilized the power grid on Oahu, averting planned rolling blackouts today. The utility company attributes this to increased power generation and customer conservation efforts.

The company continues to monitor the situation and will provide updates as needed. Read full release here. 

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Update 8/1/2024

Hawaiian Electric successfully avoided planned power outages on Oahu last night due to a combination of increased power generation at the Kahe Power Plant and customer conservation efforts. The utility company had previously warned of potential rolling blackouts due to a shortfall in electricity supply caused by a power plant shutdown. More info here.

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Update 7/31/2024 5:00pm

Hawaiian Electric has issued a conservation alert for Oahu residents due to an unexpected power plant shutdown. To avoid rotating power outages, the utility is asking customers to conserve electricity, especially during peak evening hours.

The company is working to restore full power generation as quickly as possible. Read full notice here.

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Hawaiian Electric has issued a conservation alert for Oahu residents, warning of potential rolling power outages due to a shortage of electricity generation. The utility company is facing a shortfall in power supply following the unexpected shutdown of a major power plant on the island.

To balance electricity demand with available supply, Hawaiian Electric may implement rotating power outages of approximately 30 minutes in various parts of Oahu, beginning around 6 p.m. The company is urging customers to conserve energy, especially during peak evening hours.

To help alleviate the strain on the power grid, residents are asked to reduce electricity consumption by taking steps such as adjusting thermostats, limiting the use of large appliances, and turning off unnecessary lights.

Read the full notice here.

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