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Hawaii Energy is alerting consumers about a possible phone scam. An unauthorized person reportedly posed as a Hawaii Energy representative and requested financial information from the potential victim to claim a prize. Hawaii Energy does not ask consumers for financial information. For more information, visit Hawaii Energy’s website.

The Public Utilities Commission issued an order putting forth an initial statement of issues regarding the proposed merger between Hawaiian Electric Company and NextEra Energy. Inc. Parties may propose additions and/or modifications to the list of issues within 20 days. Read Order No. 32695 here.

On February 27, Public Utilities Commission Chair Randy Iwase and Hawaiian Electric Company President and CEO Alan Oshima signed an agreement regarding the interconnection of residential rooftop photovoltaic (“PV”) systems. Read a copy of the letter here

The Hawaiian Electric Companies and NextEra filed their merger application with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today. To view a public copy of the application click here. You should also be able to review the application and other related public documents through the PUC’s Document Management System. Search under docket no. 2015-0022.