
1-900 Phone Numbers

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More 1-900 Phone Numbers Many organizations and businesses use 1-900 phone numbers for legitimate and useful services, but just about anyone can lease a national 900 phone line from a telephone company. And, so we find 1-900 phone numbers offering services from weather reports and wake-up calls to dial-a-joke and dial-a-porn to outright consumer scams. A charge goes ...
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Read More About the Insurance Division The Insurance Division is responsible for overseeing the insurance industry in the State of Hawaii, which includes insurance companies, insurance agents, self-insurers and captives. The division ensures that consumers are provided with insurance services meeting acceptable standards of quality, equity and dependability at fair rates by establishing and enforcing appropriate service standards. Administration of ...
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Read More Filing a Complaint with the Insurance Division When a complaint is filed with the Insurance Division, the Compliance and Enforcement Branch conducts an investigation to assure compliance with the applicable statutes and rules. Appropriate disciplinary actions are taken by the Compliance and Enforcement Branch when necessary. If it is determined that a case warrants prosecution, it is referred to the Office ...
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Read More Filing a Complaint Against a Health Insurer or Health Plan To file a complaint against a health insurer or health plan, please follow these steps: Step One: You may either: Call our office at (808) 586-2804 and request a complaint form be mailed to you; Or you may write a letter including the following information: Your name Your address Your phone numbers Your e-mail ...
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Consumer Alert

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in INS, Insurance Information

Read More Consumer Alert We have received inquiries about plans that look and sound like insurance, but are NOT insurance. Information about these plans is being obtained through unsolicited faxes, ads in newspapers, flyers, and farmers markets. Many of these plans use language that make them sound like insurance, but the product being sold is NOT insurance. Many ...
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Read More Employer Group Health Plans in Hawaii The following are companies that are licensed to sell employer group health insurance in Hawaii and have health plans approved by the Prepaid Healthcare Council. Please contact them directly for more information on plans that are available to you. HMAA (Hawaii Management Alliance Association) 737 Bishop St., Suite 1200 Honolulu, HI 96813 On Oahu, ...
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Read More Homeowners Insurance Information If you own a home or condominium, you will want to insure your property and household effects by investing in homeowners insurance. If you have a mortgage on the property, chances are you already have insurance on your home, since most lenders make insurance a condition of the loan. Homeowners insurance offers the most ...
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Read More Life Insurance Information Life insurance is purchased for a number of reasons, but the most important is that life insurance provides financial protection to the person receiving your insurance proceeds, following your death. When buying life insurance, it is important that you understand what your life insurance needs are, such as to provide your family with the ...
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Read More Motorcycle Insurance Information Hawaii law requires all motorcycle and motor scooter operators to purchase liability insurance for their vehicles. A valid I.D. card must be kept with the motorcycle or scooter or carried by the operator at all times. Be aware that insurance premiums are costly and may be difficult to get for a high performance motorcycle ...
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Read More Motor Vehicle Insurance Information Having motor vehicle insurance is essential to owning a motor vehicle in Hawaii. Hawaii State law requires that your vehicle be insured and that you carry the motor vehicle insurance identification card in your motor vehicle at all times. You can be ticketed and fined if you operate a vehicle without the required motor ...
Read More Motor Vehicle Insurance Information