
1/15/13 ...
Read More Medical Inquiry Conciliation Panel If you have a medical malpractice complaint, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs provides two avenues. You may call the Consumer Resource Center at 587-4272 and file a complaint with the Regulated Industries Complaints Office. Or, if you intend to bring a lawsuit against a physician, surgeon, osteopath or hospital, under Hawaii ...
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1/15/13 ...
Read More Office of Consumer Protection The Office of Consumer Protection is a division of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. It handles consumer complaints relating to products and services which are not otherwise regulated by the state, such as retail merchandise, mail order purchases, health clubs, and door-to-door sales. The office also handles issues involving gift certificates, ...
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Read More Regulated Industries Complaints Office The Regulated Industries Complaints Office is the enforcement arm of over forty-five professional boards, commissions, and programs that are administratively attached to the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. RICO receives complaints, conducts investigations, and prosecutes licensing law violations. Through the administrative process, RICO may seek fines, restitution, and license sanctions. RICO also prosecutes ...
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Other Investment Frauds

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in BREG, Scams and Frauds

Read More Other Investment Frauds Thinking of investing in the commodities and futures markets? The biggest single risk—that of doing business with a dishonest salesperson or firm—can be avoided at the outset with a little healthy curiosity on your part. Here are a few tips to help you avoid those pitfalls. Find out if the firm you are considering ...
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Pyramid Schemes

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in BREG, Scams and Frauds

Read More Pyramid Schemes Multi-level sales programs, also known as pyramids, are marketing techniques used to sell a variety of products-from plastic containers, cosmetics, and household cleaning products to credit cards and even real estate. While many multi-level programs today are legal, there are some that are illegal and deceptive. If you’re thinking about joining a multi-level sales ...
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Ponzi Schemes

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in BREG, Scams and Frauds

Read More Ponzi Schemes In the basic ponzi scheme a promoter promises to pay investors huge interest profits on their investments in a short period of time. The promoter can do this in the early stages of the scam by using the money from new investors to pay off profits promised to earlier investors. As the scam grows ...
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Telemarketing Fraud

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More Telemarketing Fraud While most telephone solicitations are legitimate, some fraudulent businesses will use the telephone to peddle worthless products and services. The following are sales practices which are commonly used in telemarketing frauds. Be alert to them: high pressure sales tactics; refusing to take “no” for an answer; insisting on immediate decisions; making offers that sound ...
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Investment Fraud

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in BREG, Scams and Frauds

Read More Investment Fraud You should consider the following factors when looking into investments. Always check to see if the investment you want to purchase is registered and if the company or salesperson selling it are licensed. You can call the Securities Compliance Branch of the Business Registration Division at the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to ...
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Contest Cons

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

6/18/12 ...
Read More Contest Cons Many people feel that there’s nothing to lose and maybe lots to gain by entering contests offered by mail or phone. Some contests may look attractive because of their promise of big prizes. But, there’s a risk that you might become the victim of a contest con. While there are many legitimate contests, ...
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Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More Infomercials Well, you’ve seen them on TV, those get-rich-quick schemes on how to make millions in real estate or the revolutionary bee pollen that will make you look years younger, they’re a new wrinkle on TV advertising today. It’s the TV shopping service where viewers can watch merchandise being offered for sale on TV and ...
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