Telemarketing Fraud

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More Telemarketing Fraud While most telephone solicitations are legitimate, some fraudulent businesses will use the telephone to peddle worthless products and services. The following are sales practices which are commonly used in telemarketing frauds. Be alert to them: high pressure sales tactics; refusing to take “no” for an answer; insisting on immediate decisions; making offers that sound ...
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Contest Cons

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

6/18/12 ...
Read More Contest Cons Many people feel that there’s nothing to lose and maybe lots to gain by entering contests offered by mail or phone. Some contests may look attractive because of their promise of big prizes. But, there’s a risk that you might become the victim of a contest con. While there are many legitimate contests, ...
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Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More Infomercials Well, you’ve seen them on TV, those get-rich-quick schemes on how to make millions in real estate or the revolutionary bee pollen that will make you look years younger, they’re a new wrinkle on TV advertising today. It’s the TV shopping service where viewers can watch merchandise being offered for sale on TV and ...
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1-900 Phone Numbers

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in OCP, Scams and Frauds

Read More 1-900 Phone Numbers Many organizations and businesses use 1-900 phone numbers for legitimate and useful services, but just about anyone can lease a national 900 phone line from a telephone company. And, so we find 1-900 phone numbers offering services from weather reports and wake-up calls to dial-a-joke and dial-a-porn to outright consumer scams. A charge goes ...
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Read More Buying Merchandise Because consumers rely heavily on ads for information and to help them comparison shop for merchandise, it’s important that advertisements be correct and accurate. The Office of Consumer Protection, a division of the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, has developed advertising rules as guidelines for businesses to follow when they advertise products ...
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Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in General Retail Information, OCP

Read More Warranties A warranty is the manufacturer’s and/or seller’s promise to stand behind the product and a commitment to correct problems should the product be defective. A warranty is a specific promise about the product. It is usually accompanied by an oral or written commitment to remedy defects for a limited time. The smart shopper will ...
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1/15/13 ...
Read More Refunds and Exchanges When shopping in Hawaii, don’t assume that every gift you buy can be returned for a full refund. Merchants can set their own policies within the bounds of the state law. Look for the store’s policy which should be posted on a conspicuous sign at a place where you can find and read ...
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Read More Door-to-Door Sales A door-to-door sale is a sale of goods or services, solicited in person, and bought or signed for by the buyer at a place other than the seller’s business address, as shown on the sales contract. Under Hawaii’s law on door-to-door sales, a buyer is entitled to a full refund, if a cancellation notice ...
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Buying by Phone

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in General Retail Information, OCP

Read More Buying by Phone When buying a service or product over the phone, consumers should take the following precautions: when you are solicited over the phone, don’t be pressured into buying anything “on the spot.” And, ask for written material to be sent. If it is costly, or a “large ticket” item, ask for references. Ask how long ...
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Buying by Mail

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in General Retail Information, OCP

Read More Buying by Mail According to the mail order merchandise rule, a seller must ship your order when promised. If no specific delivery time is given or agreed upon, the seller must ship the merchandise no later than 30 days after receiving your order. If the promised shipping date or the 30-day period cannot be met, the seller ...
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