PUC Approves Community-Based Renewable Energy Program – Docket No. 2015-0389
Posted on Sep 4, 2018 in Key DocketsThe Public Utilities Commission approved and directed the Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO Companies) to implement their Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Program. Phase 1 of the CBRE program will be limited to only solar PV systems and is available to eligible residential and commercial customers of HECO Companies.
The CBRE Program was created to provide an opportunity to residential and business renters, occupants of residential and commercial buildings with shaded or improperly oriented roofs, other groups who are currently unable to access the benefits of onsite renewable energy generation, and anyone who does not already receive the direct benefits of renewable energy resources.
CBRE allows participants of the program to receive direct benefits of renewable energy resources (from a CBRE Program Facility) to offset their monthly energy costs through a bill credit on their utility bills.
Sine the program will result in consumers dealing with unregulated vendors, the Consumer Advocate has continually raised concerns regarding the protections offered to consumers under the CBRE program throughout the docket proceedings and made numerous recommendations designed to improve consumer protections.
For more information search Docket No. 2015-0389 on the PUC’s Document Management System in the “Docket Quick Link” search box.