PUC Approval Helps KIUC Close In On Renewable Goals
Posted on Jun 22, 2018 in Key Dockets
Tesla aerial: The Tesla solar plus battery facility is located on 50 acres of land leased from Grove Farm in Kapaia

AES Lawai: Community members, along with KIUC and AES personnel, participate in a groundbreaking ceremony for the AES Lāwaʿi project in February 2018
In a Decision and Order, the Public Utilities Commission approved KIUC’s application for approval of its Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with AES Kekaha Solar, LLC (AES) for development of a 19.3-megawatt (MW) solar facility in conjunction with a 70 megawatt hours (MWh) battery energy storage system to be housed on-base at Pacific Missile Range Facility – Barking Sands (PMRF).
The Consumer Advocate filed its Statement of Position, recommending that the commission; (1) approve the PPA; (2) allow KIUC to include costs incurred under the PPA in its ERAC, to the extent such costs are not included in KIUC’s base rates; (3) approve the commitment and expenditure of funds for the PMRF Substation project; and (4) determine that the Transmission Line should be placed, constructed, erected, and built above the surface of the ground.
View KIUC’s full news release and read more on the PPA by searching Docket No. 2017-0443 on the PUC’s document management system.