Nov 28, PUC’s PBR Workshop (Olelo Broadcast)

Posted on Nov 28, 2018 in Important Events

The Hawaii PUC Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) Workshop #3 will be broadcasted on Olelo Community Media channel 49. If you plan to watch the workshop remotely, you may Live Stream this meeting at [Select “WATCH NOW!” link under Channel 49].

The PBR workshop is in related to the PBR Docket No. 2018-0088. You can read more about the docket by searching the number of PUC’s document management system.

November 28, 2018
9 am – 5 pm

  1. Welcome & Opening (Hawaii Public Utilities Commission)
  2. Overview of Proceeding & Workshop  (Hawaii Public Utilities Commission Rocky Mountain Institute)
  3. Panel Discussion: Metric Design (Tim Woolf (Synapse) Mark Lowry (Pacific Economics Group))
  4. Metric Design Activity (Rocky Mountain Institute)
  5. Lunch
  6. Stakeholder Presentations (Parties to the Proceeding)
  7.  Breakout Groups: Reflections on Regulatory Options (Rocky Mountain Institute)
  8. Phase 1 Concluding Activity (Rocky Mountain Institute)
  9. Next Steps & Close (Hawaii Public Utilities Commission)