Higher Oil Prices Will Affect Electric Bills
Posted on Mar 10, 2022 in Hot TopicsCustomers can expect to see increases in their electric bills over the next several months due to higher oil prices. Hawaiian Electric is forecasting that residential bills for O‘ahu customers will rise about 10% over the next several months. Increases for customers on Hawai‘i Island and in Maui County are estimated at about 20%.
Energy-saving resources are available at https://cca.hawaii.gov/dca/electric/energy-tips/, hawaiianelectric.com, as well as hawaiienergy.com; Hawaiʻi Energy also offers rebates. Customers are encouraged to take steps to stabilize and manage their energy bills by conserving energy and considering options such as installing rooftop solar.
If you’re having trouble paying your bill, go to hawaiianelectric.com/paymentarrangement or reach out to your utility to review payment plan options.
View the full Hawaiian Electric news release here.