NEWS RELEASE: Final High School Teams Set for the 2022 Hawaii LifeSmarts Virtual State Competition
Posted on Dec 17, 2021 in BREG, Main, News ReleasesDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS
December 17, 2021
Final High School Teams Set for the 2022 Hawaii LifeSmarts Virtual State Competition
HONOLULU – The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Office of the Securities Commissioner and Insurance Division announces teams from Kalani and Waipahu high schools scored the highest and will move on to compete in the Hawaii LifeSmarts State Competition.
Due to ongoing COVID-19 safety concerns, the event will be held virtually for the first time. The Virtual State Competition takes place on Saturday, February 12, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Eighteen teams first participated in an initial online competition. The remaining four teams will now test their skills through an individual assessment test, a “speed smarts” activity, and gameshow style buzzer rounds of the State Competition. The winner of the competition earns eligibility to represent Hawaii at the National LifeSmarts Competition in Washington, D.C. from April 21 – 24, 2022.
“We are thankful for the commitment and hard work of all the coaches and students,” said Securities Commissioner Ty Nohara. “Hawaii LifeSmarts continues to provide a valuable educational experience through this national program, delivering it in creative ways through this virtual platform. Congratulations to all the teams and we’ll see you at the State Competition!”
LifeSmarts is a consumer education program designed to teach students in grades 6-12 about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities. The Hawaii LifeSmarts Program is sponsored by the DCCA Office of the Securities Commissioner and Insurance Division in partnership with the Hawaii Credit Union League and the National Consumers League.
For program information on the next competition season and/or sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Hawaii LifeSmarts Assistant State Coordinator, Gloryana Akapo, at 808-586-2737 or [email protected], and follow HISecurities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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Media Contact:
Jayson Horiuchi
Communications Officer
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 586-7582