DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DIVISION OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DAVID Y. IGE GOVERNOR CATHERINE P. AWAKUNI COLÓN DIRECTOR IRIS IKEDA COMMISSIONER OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 1, 2015 Hawaii Part of Multi-State Agreement to Stop Unsupported Mortgage Fees Settlement will result in compensation to affected borrowers, an administrative penalty, and revision of ...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 26, 2015 Division of Financial Institutions Offers Guidance on Banking and Marijuana Recommendations Presented at Hawaii State Bar Association Convention  HONOLULU – The Commissioner of Financial Institutions, Iris Ikeda, presented considerations for banks and other financial institutions when dealing with marijuana related businesses at the Hawaii State Bar Association Convention on ...
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DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DAVID Y. IGE GOVERNOR CATHERINE P. AWAKUNI COLÓN DIRECTOR IRIS IKEDA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS COMMISSIONER FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 5, 2015 State Division of Financial Institutions Receives Mortgage Supervision Accreditation  HONOLULU –  The State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ (DCCA) Division of Financial Institutions (DFI) received a certificate of accreditation ...
Read More NEWS RELEASE: State Division of Financial Institutions Receives Mortgage Supervision Accreditation

1/15/13 ...
Read More Banks, Escrow Companies, Money Transmitters, Mortgage Loan Originators, Mortgage Servicers The Division of Financial Institutions ensures the safety and soundness of state-chartered and state-licensed financial institutions, and ensures regulatory compliance by financial institutions, escrow depositories, money transmitters, mortgage servicers, mortgage loan originators and mortgage loan originator companies required to be licensed, by fairly administering applicable statutes and rules, in order to protect the ...
Read More Banks, Escrow Companies, Money Transmitters, Mortgage Loan Originators, Mortgage Servicers