
Here are some of our programs, activities and resources for Hawaii’s keiki.









Cash Canyon  is the newest children’s consumer education program at DCCA. In Spring 2015, a troop of actors will go to Hawaii’s public schools to educate them about money, savings and consumer information at an early age. We believe that giving children the tools at an early age will help provide for more informed consumers in our state. Click here for more.

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LifeSmarts is the ultimate consumer challenge for middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students.


The Division of Consumer Advocacy has its own Keiki Korner


National Links

Here are a couple of great online games from the Federal Trade Commission: (FTC) – – The Federal Trade Commission’s virtual mall where kids can play games, design ads, chat with customers and store owners, and much more.

Spam Scam Slam (FTC) –

Money Smart (FDIC) – How Money Smart Are You? A suite of 14 games and related resources about everyday financial topics. It’s based on FDIC’s award-winning Money Smart program.

Money Smart for Youth (FDIC)  – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) comprehensive financial education curriculum designed to help young adults develop financial skills.

 Student (SEC)  – Games, workbooks and other fun ways to learn about the world of securities investments. (Federal agencies) –  The official kids’ website from the federal government with links to over 2,000 web pages from government agencies, schools and educational organizations.