Emergency Investigative Proceeding Regarding Young Brothers, LLC’s Financial Condition

On June 2, 2020, the Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) filed Order No. 37161 in Docket No. 2020-0084 Instituting An Emergency Investigative Proceeding Regarding Young Brothers, LLC’s Financial Condition. The Commission opened the docket to assess Young Brothers, LLC’s (“Young Brothers”) financial condition, contingency plans, and access to financing, and to address identified requests for relief that have been filed and will be filed in the future, with the Commission. The Commission indicated that it will analyze these topics within the framework of (1) stabilizing YB’s finances; (2) mitigating the effect of YB’s current and future financial position on customers; and (3) improving YB’s long-term competitive position.

View the letters submitted by Young Brothers and the Consumer Advocate, public comments, and updates regarding the June 10 Status Conference here.

Read the Consumer Advocate’s Response to Young Brothers’ May 29, 2020 Business Plan here.

Vew all documents filed in this docket by searching Docket No. 2020-0084 in the “Docket Quick Link” search box on the PUC’s document management system.