Manual-file option

You may download, complete, sign and send in a complaint form from the alphabetical listing below.  Some forms are for specific situations and industries so please review the variations and select the one that is most appropriate.  If the special or industry-specific forms do not fit your situation, then please use the general complaint form.

Adverse Peer Review and Quality Assurance Form  – Please use this to report information pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes 663-1.7.

Condo Records Request Form to an Association  – This form is provided for the convenience of unit owners who wish to request or review condominium records from their association.

Contracting Form – Please use this form to file a complaint about a contractor, electrician or plumber.

Healthcare Form – Please use this form to file a complaint about a healthcare provider.  The Authorization to Release Records Form must be submitted too.  For your convenience, here is a list of the regulated healthcare industries.

Motor Vehicle Sale Form  – Please use this form to file a complaint about a motor vehicle dealer or salesperson.

Motor Vehicle Repair Form – Please use this form to file a complaint about a motor vehicle mechanic or shop.

Real Estate Form – Please use this form to file a complaint about a real estate transaction.

Real Estate Appraisal Form – Please use this form to file a complaint about a real estate appraiser.

Travel Agency Form  – Please use this form to file a complaint about a travel agency.

GENERAL Complaint Form – Please use this form if none of the above apply to your situation.