CATV Zoom Virtual Proceedings FAQ and Practice Tips
Summary of Information to assist participation in DCCA/CATV virtual proceedings (see below for more details) :
- All efforts will be made to begin the Zoom proceeding at its scheduled time; however, please be aware that delays may occur.
- Access the Zoom platform through a web browser, the Zoom desktop app, or by phone (see the notice or agenda for access information, also available on the CATV website
- When accessing a proceeding, please provide your full name and email address when prompted.
- If wishing to provide live oral comments, when prompted for comments, virtually raise your hand by clicking on the “Raise Hand” function (located in the middle lower portion of the Zoom screen). If participating by phone, use the virtual “Raise Hand” function by pressing *9 on your phone’s keypad.
Your name will be called in the order received, and you will be allowed to unmute (*6 for phone attendees) to speak. When providing comments, begin by clearly stating your full name and any organization you represent. Upon completing your comments your microphone will be muted/disabled.
- If encountering difficulties accessing Zoom, the upcoming proceeding will be presented live on Olelo Channel 49 and simultaneously lived streamed on Written comments can be submitted to CATV at a later date but no later than October 12, 2020.