Health & Safety The inability to digest or absorb a type of sugar found in milk is called…? Answer: Lactose intolerance
Practice Questions
Consumer Rights Most states now issue food stamps through EBT. What does EBT stand for? Answer: Electronic Benefit Transfer
Personal Finance A person who buys and sells stock on behalf of a buyer is called a…? Answer: Broker
Technology On your original computer keyboard there is a key marked “ALT”. This is short for what term? Answer: Alternate
Health & Safety If you get a permanent tattoo, you cannot give blood for what time period? Answer: One year
Personal Finance How often should you balance your checkbook? Answer: Every Month
Consumer Rights In each state and the federal government the highest ranking legal office is the…? Answer: Attorney General
Technology A new version of software designed to replace an older version of the same product is an…? Answer: Upgrade
Health & Safety What is the most important criterion in choosing a toy for a small child? Answer: Safety
Environment What is the proper way to dispose of used motor oil? Answer: Recycle it, take it to a service/collection facility