Personal Finance The payment you make to an insurance company to pay for coverage is known as the…? Answer: Premium
Practice Questions
Consumer Rights A monetary penalty imposed upon someone convicted of an illegal act is a…? Answer: Fine
Health & Safety What is a placebo? Answer: A nonactive remedy, a pill that does not actually contain medicine, a sugar pill, a false remedy.
Environment Name one of the two most common minerals used to make the electrical wiring used in homes. Answer: Copper, aluminum
Technology What three numbers do you dial to connect to local directory assistance for phone numbers in most areas of the U.S.? Answer: 411
Consumer Rights A legal document that shows ownership of an automobile is called the…? Answer: Title
Personal Finance An owner of stock is called the…? Answer: Stockholder
Health & Safety Name one of three things that bacteria need to grow. Answer: Moisture, warmth, food.
Technology WYSIWYG is a term for an image on a computer screen. What does WYSIWYG stand for? Answer: What You See Is What You Get
Environment Which mineral is used in photography, coins, and electronics? Answer: Silver