Personal Finance On your paycheck, FICA is a line item for monies deducted from your paycheck by your employer. What does FICA stand for? Answer: Federal Insurance Contributions Act
Practice Questions
Health & Safety Cooked meat/poultry can remain in the fridge for 3-4 days safely before it needs to be thrown out. How long can they remain in the freezer? Answer: 2-6 Months
Environment All pesticides sold or distributed in the United States must prove that they are GRAS. What does G R A S mean? Answer: Generally recognized as safe; it can be used without posing unreasonable risk to people or environment
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities According to the economic law of demand, as the price of a good falls, what will happen to the demand for that good? Answer: It will rise; there will be higher demand
Technology You are running software on your computer. You see a strip of icons at the top of the screen. This is known as the _____. Answer: Toolbar
Personal Finance What is a credit report? Answer: a record of your personal credit history
Health & Safety The health condition where a person is severely overweight is known as? Answer: Obesity
Environment Energy produced by the internal heat of the earth is known as? Answer: Geothermal energy
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Per year, the average American consumer spends the most money on what? Answer: Housing
Technology Viruses and spyware are two types of malware. The word “malware” is short for what two words? Answer: Malicious software