Practice Questions

Personal Finance You are a 15 year old who works during the school year. What is the maximum number of hours you can work each week? Answer:  18 Hours

Health & Safety The protein we eat is broken down in our bodies and turned into what kind of acids? Answer: Amino Acids

Environment Name one weather condition that often means high pollen counts & more suffering for those with pollen allergies. Answer: Hot, dry, windy

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities As opposed to wants, what economic term describes something that is basic or necessary for your survival? Answer:  Needs

Technology Name one reason why you should not attempt to break the manufacturer’s security on your own smartphone. Answer: It invalidates the warranty; it makes your smartphone more vulnerable to hacking

Personal Finance Individuals who make a mistake on a tax return and wish to correct the error can file what type of corrective return? Answer: Amended tax return; Amendment; Form 1040X

Health & Safety Also known as a life jacket, a PFD is manufactured to help keep your head above water. What do the letters PFD stand for? Answer: Personal flotation device

Environment The places where rivers meet the sea are important to the health of coastal environments. What are these places called? Answer: Estuaries

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Why do all pyramid schemes eventually fail? Answer:  They get too large; recruiters stop bringing in enough new people; promoters cant raise enough money.

Technology American TV shows use the TV Parental Guidelines as a guide to the programs content. What sets these ratings? Answer:  The television network