Personal Finance What type of bank account is held by two or more people who equally share rights & liabilities from the account? Answer: A joint account
Practice Questions
Health & Safety About 17 million Americans have this health condition cause by overactive oil glands on the skin. Identify this condition. Answer: Acne
Environment On average, heating water is the third largest energy expense in a household. Name 2 ways you can cut your water heating cost. Answer: Use less hot water; use low-flow aerating shower heads/faucets; insulate your water heater; buy a new, more efficient water heater; turn down the thermostat on your water heater.
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities You are shopping for organic tomatoes to make your homemade salsa. Name one of the two places you can find the Organic seal. Answer: Sticker on the tomato; on the sign above the produce display
Technology These are triggered by clicking your mouse or pressing a key. They carry info/ads & most users find them annoying. What are they? Answer: Pop-up Ads, Pop-ups
Personal Finance Hourly employees have the right to time and one half their regular rate of pay for every hour they work over how many hours? Answer: 40 hours per week
Health & Safety Personal fire response plans may contain several goals, but what should be your main goal when you are in a building on fire? Answer: Getting out; Knowing how to escape
Environment What common pet should be primarily kept indoors because it kills a large number of birds, mice, squirrels & other wildlife? Answer: Cat
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Inspections in meat and poultry plants help ensure food safety. Which federal agency provides these inspections? Answer: USDA; U.S. Department of Agriculture
Technology You’re typing in a word processing application & you highlight a section of text to move it. The highlighted section is called? Answer: Block