Personal Finance You are buying a new car. You need to finance it, and you pay $2,000 upfront. This payment is known as what? Answer: The down payment
Practice Questions
Health & Safety Often used to describe a person’s dependence on drugs, what term describes a compulsive need to use a substance? Answer: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
Environment Useful materials harvested from the Earth, such as water, oil, and trees, are known as what type of resource? Answer: Natural Resources
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities When you register for the National Do Not Call Registry, telemarketers must stop calling you within how many days? Answer: 31 Days
Technology This computer virus does not infect other programs, but copies itself and infects additional computers. What is it? Answer: A worm
Personal Finance You experience a financial loss so you make a request for payment from your insurer. This request is known as what? Answer: A claim; filing a claim
Health & Safety Often used to describe a person’s dependence on drugs, what term describes a compulsive need to use a substance? Answer: Addiction
Environment Every year, the EPA issues consumer confidence reports that summarize the safety and quality of what type of water? Answer: Community Water System; Tap Water
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities A person who makes false documents or signs someone else’s name to documents is engaged in what illegal activity? Answer: Forgery
Technology To enhance your privacy, why should you turn off WiFi and/or Bluetooth on your smartphone if you’re not using them? Answer: They make it easier for hackers to break through your smartphones security