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Personal Finance If an employee is under 20 years old, employers can pay the Youth Minimum Wage, currently $4.25 per hour. Up to how many days may an employer pay the Youth Minimum Wage? Answer: 90 days

Health & Safety This ingredient, derived from the chemical fluorine, is commonly found in toothpaste and helps prevent tooth decay. What is it? Answer:Fluoride

Environment You complained about a faulty product and received consumer redress. What does this mean? Answer: Rain falls on a mountain, taking small amounts of rock with it. This describes what process, where land is worn away by water, wind or ice?

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities You complained about a faulty product and received consumer redress. What does this mean? Answer: You got action on your complaint; your problem was resolved in your favor; you got the result you wanted from the company selling the faulty product