Insurance Company Licensing – Application for Certificate of Authority

Insurance companies (“Applicants”) applying for a Certificate of Authority must comply with Chapter 431, Article 3 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.  Applicants must submit an Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA).

The UCAA is available at the NAIC’s website:

UCAA Hawaii State Specific Link:

The UCAA consists of the Primary Application and the Expansion Application. The Primary Application should be used by 1) newly formed Hawaii insurance companies seeking a Hawaii Certificate of Authority and 2) insurers, not currently admitted in Hawaii, wishing to redomesticate to Hawaii. The Expansion Application should be used by all other insurance companies already licensed in another state and seeking a Hawaii Certificate of Authority. If you should have any questions, please contact the Certification & Agency Exam Section, at (808) 586-3870 or send an email to [email protected].