Medicare Members FAQs
Due to the complexity of the law that may require very fact-specific analysis, this material is not intended to be legal, accounting, or other professional advice, and is provided only as general information.
Last reviewed: Oct. 28, 2015.
I currently have a Medicare Advantage plan. Will I be able to keep it?
Yes, the ACA does not require individuals to drop their Medicare Advantage coverage.
Do Medicare participants need to use the Hawaii Health Connector?
No, Medicare is not part of the Hawaii Health Connector. Medicare members will still get health coverage through Medicare’s traditional fee-for-service program or Medicare Advantage plans, private health insurance plans that are approved by Medicare.
Will my Medicare benefits be cut under the new law?
No, the ACA does not eliminate or reduce benefits provided under Medicare. The cuts under ACA to Medicare were to the funding of the program.
My prescription drug costs push me into the “doughnut hole” every year; will I receive any relief under the new law?
Individuals who reach the gap in prescription drug coverage known as the “doughnut hole” will receive a discount each year on name brand and generic drugs until 2020 when the gap will be phased out and eliminated.
I have a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan, do I need to make any changes to my plan under the new law?
No, ACA does not require individuals with Medicare to change their Medigap coverage. However, the law added cost-sharing requirements to plans C and F sold after Jan. 1, 2015.