Insurance Branches
Financial Surveillance and Examination Branch
The Surveillance and Examination (FSE) Branch reviews all filings from companies applying for Certificates of Authority to transact the business of insurance, audits domestic annual financial statements and premium tax statements. In addition, the staff conducts a continuing program of insurance company, agency, mutual and fraternal benefit societies, health maintenance organization financial and/or market conduct examinations, to assure compliance with insurance laws and financial solvency in an effort to safeguard consumer interests and maintain professionalism in the industry.
Compliance and Enforcement Branch
When a complaint is filed with the Insurance Division, the Compliance and Enforcement Branch conducts an investigation to assure compliance with the applicable statutes and rules. Appropriate disciplinary actions are recommended by the Compliance and Enforcement Branch when necessary. If it is determined that a case warrants prosecution, it is referred to the Legal Branch for administrative action, with some cases referred to the Department of the Attorney General for prosecution by the State. To file a complaint, a complaint form must be filled out and submitted to the Insurance Division.
The Complaint/Inquiry Form can be obtained here.
Licensing Branch
The Licensing Branch reviews, issues, extends and amends Crop Adjuster, Independent Adjuster, Independent Bill Reviewer, Life Settlement Broker and Provider, Limited Lines Motor Vehicle Rental Company Producer, Limited Lines Portable Electronics, Limited Lines Producers, Managing General Agent, Producer, Public Adjuster, Reinsurance Intermediary Broker and Manager, Surplus Lines Broker and Workers Compensation Insurance Adjuster licenses for both resident and nonresident licensees; issues and extends all Service Contract Provider and Vehicle Protection Product Warrantor registrations; processes renewal notifications, remittance checks, confirmation and cancellation of insurance licenses; administers and maintains data record for the Continuing Education (CE) program; responds to inquiries regarding licensing received over the telephone, email, mail, and in person.
The forms for insurance agents and agencies can be obtained here.
Rate and Policy Analysis Branch
The Rate and Policy Analysis Branch (RPA) devises and implements systems and procedures for the analysis of rate and policy filings by domestic, foreign and alien insurance companies in order to ensure compliance with state insurance laws. The RPA Branch reviews and approves rates used by companies in the sale of its policies to ensure that mandated coverages are provided and that the interests of the buyers are protected.
Insurance Fraud Investigation Branch
The Fraud Branch was formed to conduct a statewide program for the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of insurance fraud cases and violations of all applicable state laws relating to insurance fraud. To find out more about insurance fraud click here.
Heath Insurance Branch
The Health Insurance Branch is responsible for regulating health insurers, including health maintenance organizations and mutual benefit societies. The Branch’s primary responsibilities are: handle inquiries and complaints; approve premium rates and policy forms; monitor the solvency of health insurers; and receive requests from consumers for external review of a health plan’s coverage decisions and administer the external review process.
Captive Insurance Branch
The Captive Insurance Branch (CIB) provides dedicated resources to facilitate the monitoring, regulation and prudent development of the captive insurance industry in the State of Hawaii.
The CIB reviews and evaluates each prospective captive application on a case-by-case basis to ensure appropriate economic and social responsibility of each program structure and its related constituencies, as well as, compliance with applicable State laws and regulations. On an ongoing basis, the CIB utilizes interim and annual reports and filings, and on-site examinations to monitor compliance with the approved applications and business plans.