Filing a Complaint with the Insurance Division

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in INS, Insurance Information

When a complaint is filed with the Insurance Division, the Compliance and Enforcement Branch conducts an investigation to assure compliance with the applicable statutes and rules. Appropriate disciplinary actions are taken by the Compliance and Enforcement Branch when necessary. If it is determined that a case warrants prosecution, it is referred to the Office of the Attorney General for prosecution by the State. To file a complaint, a complaint form must be filled out and submitted to the Hawaii Insurance Division.

The Complaint/Inquiry Form can be obtained from the Insurance Division’s website at

This form should be filled out and mailed to:

Hawaii Insurance Division

Compliance and Enforcement Branch

P.O. Box 3614

Honolulu, Hawaii 96811

If you do not receive a response from the Insurance Division within 30-45 days, please call the Insurance Division at (808) 586-2790.