Regulated Industries Complaints Office

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 in Consumer Complaints, RICO

The Regulated Industries Complaints Office is the enforcement arm of over forty-five professional boards, commissions, and programs that are administratively attached to the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. RICO receives complaints, conducts investigations, and prosecutes licensing law violations. Through the administrative process, RICO may seek fines, restitution, and license sanctions. RICO also prosecutes unlicensed activity through the issuance of citations and by filing civil lawsuits in the Circuit Courts. Citations impose fines and order offenders to cease and desist unlicensed activity. Civil lawsuits seek fines and permanent injunctions prohibiting future unlicensed conduct.

Additionally, RICO works to resolve consumer complaints where appropriate and provides consumers with information about various issues relating to licensing and consumer protection.

RICO also administers the State Certified Arbitration Program for “lemon” motor vehicle claims.

RICO has offices in Honolulu, Hilo, Kona, Wailuku, and Lihue, where neighbor island staff serve as liaisons for other divisions within the Department.

For more information about RICO and what we do, visit the State’s website at