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Technology This type of document stores data in grids of rows and columns, and allows the data to be analyzed using formulas and calculations. This describes what type of document? Answer: Spreadsheet; spreadsheet document

Personal Finance Used by the IRS to determine your eligibility for certain tax benefits, what term describes your income from all taxable sources minus certain adjustments? Answer:  AGI; Adjusted Gross Income

Health & Safety According to a recent CDC report, 78% of American teens do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and 82% don’t get enough physical activity. Name one effect this will have on their health. Answer: Weight issues; increased rick of heart disease; increased rick of some types of cancer.

Environment When a grassland ecosystem is changed into a desert due to higher temperatures and/or a lack of rain, this is an example of what process? Answer: Desertification

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities The government has programs that help people with incomes below a certain level. One of these programs, known now by the acronym SNAP, issues coupons which can be exchanged for groceries at authorized stores. What are these benefits called? Answer: Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program; “food stamps”