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Technology To enhance your privacy, why should you turn off WiFi and/or Bluetooth on your smartphone if you’re not using them? Answer: They make it easier for hackers to break through your smartphones security

Personal Finance You are a 15 year old who works during the school year. What is the maximum number of hours you can work each week? Answer:  18 Hours

Health & Safety The protein we eat is broken down in our bodies and turned into what kind of acids? Answer: Amino Acids

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS DAVID Y. IGE GOVERNOR CATHERINE P. AWAKUNI COLÓN DIRECTOR TY Y. NOHARA SECURITIES COMMISSIONER FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 11, 2017 Registration Opens for Hawaii LifeSmarts Competition HONOLULU – The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Office of the Securities Commissioner announces the start of the 2017-2018 Hawaii LifeSmarts ...

Environment Name one weather condition that often means high pollen counts & more suffering for those with pollen allergies. Answer: Hot, dry, windy

Consumer Rights & Responsibilities As opposed to wants, what economic term describes something that is basic or necessary for your survival? Answer:  Needs