Educational Resources

New Content Vocabulary: Every day between September and February, LifeSmarts will post a content vocabulary word connected to a specific LifeSmarts subtopic. Use these lists as a starting point when studying and preparing for competition

LifeSmarts in Box:  LifeSmarts in a Box will jump-start your LifeSmarts experience by providing activities to complement curriculum and enhance classroom instruction. LifeSmarts in a Box provides educators with a working set of consumer concepts, keywords, and content vocabulary activities to enliven instruction within the classroom (and in settings beyond the traditional classroom)

LifeSmarts U: available year-round, is the virtual LifeSmarts classroom, featuring complete lesson plans in all five(5) LifeSmarts content areas.  May be used as a group activities or self guided lessons.

Coaching Resource Links by Topic: To help direct students’ exploration and navigation online in all five (5) LifeSmarts topic areas.

LifeSmarts Daily Calendar: Printable monthly calendar with daily challenge questions.

Practice Competition Rounds: Retired competition rounds of questions.

Daily Quizzes: Daily Quizzes are 5 question quizzes that test your knowledge across all of the LifeSmarts topic areas.

SpeedSmarts: is a series of ten activities which teams compete in a round-robin fashion. Teams move from one activity to the next every six minutes. A full round of SpeedSmarts includes five different types of activities; each format is played twice. This competition format is used in the State and National Championship, but can be modified to work in other settings (Try it out in your classrooms!).