Personal Finance The total salary you receive before any deductions are taken is known as your? Answer: Gross, Gross Pay, Gross Salary
Practice Questions
Health & Safety You notice a puddle of blue-green colored liquid under the front of your car. This indicates a possible leak of what fluid? Answer: Coolant, Antifreeze
Environment In 1972 the US passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act which sought to protect what sea mammal from harm due to tuna fishing? Answer: Dolphins
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Name two of the three inalienable rights given to all human beings listed in the U.S. Declaration of Independence? Answer: Life, Liberty, the pursuit of happiness
Technology You get an email message with a file linked to it. This file is known as what? Answer: An attachment
Personal Finance Which federal law established the minimum wage? Answer: FLSA; Fair Labor Standards Act
Health & Safety This part of an animal causes allergies in humans Answer: Dander
Environment Maize is another name for what food staple? Answer: Corn
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities This document outlines the course you have taken and the credits and grades you have received Answer: Transcript
Technology Outsiders who try to get into computers through the Internet are called Answer: Hackers