Personal Finance What portion of your auto insurance coverage protects you when a tree falls on your car? Answer: Comprehensive coverage
Practice Questions
Health & Safety What effect does nicotine have on a person’s blood vessels? Answer: It narrows blood vessels
Environment What type of bottles are generally 100 percent recyclable? Answer: Glass
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities How many Senators serve in the U.S. Senate? Answer: 100
Technology Television programs designed for those over 18 years old have what rating? Answer: TV-MA
Personal Finance When you exchange goods or services without using money, you are engaged in: Answer: Bartering
Environment Most soda cans are made out of what metallic element? Answer: Aluminum
Health & Safety In the medical profession, what does the letters R N stand for? Answer: Registered nurse
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities The price of a car before taxes, fees, and elective charges are applied is called what? Answer: The base price
Technology A hard drive that is inside its own casing and separate from a computer is called? Answer: An external hard drive