MICP Forms and Publications

MICP Forms are currently being updated, please contact the office at [email protected] if it pertains to MICP
Medical Inquiry and Conciliation Panel (MICP)

Act 296 of the 2012 Hawaii Legislature Pertaining to the Medical Inquiry and Conciliation Panel
(PDF) The 2013 Guide to the MICP
(PDF) Inquiry Regarding Rendering of Professional Services
(PDF) Certificate of Consultation
(PDF) Ex Parte Motion to Waive MICP Filing Fees
(PDF) Request to Submit MICP Inquiry to ADR
(PDF) MICP Subpoena for Appearance
(PDF) MICP Subpoena for Production of Documents
(PDF) Proceeding Statement Form
(PDF) Inquiring Party’s Exhibit List
(PDF) Health Care Provider’s Exhibit List
(PDF) Request for Appointment of Panel Chairperson
(PDF) MICP Panel and Program Evaluation Form