For New MLOCs
DFI wants to help new MLOCs licensed in Hawaii comply with state and federal laws. To do this, our examiners will examine your company to make sure you understand the federal and state laws and regulations.
About 6 months after your company is licensed in Hawaii, we will conduct an off site examination. We will ask for some of your policies, including your BSA/AML policy, a financial statement, and a copy of the loan origination documents of the loans originated since you were licensed in Hawaii. We will review these documents to make sure you understand and are complying with the federal and state laws.
After our review, we will provide some feedback to you so you know whether we believe you are in compliance. If you are not in compliance with the laws, we will provide some suggestions on how to get on the right track.
We want to help you comply with the state and federal laws and regulations. We want to make sure consumers are not harmed. We hope you will find this new off site examination program useful as you familiarize yourself with Hawaii’s laws. New MLOC off site exams