When is my annual report or annual statement filing due and will I be notified when it is due?
Please note: the Business Registration Division does not utilize any other third-party company to collect or file annual business reports. Please see our June 2020 News Release regarding unofficial solicitations for more information. You can also email the Business Registration Division at [email protected] or call (808) 586-2727 to verify the legitimacy of a notice you receive regarding your Hawaii business filing.
To check on the status of your business online, visit Hawaii Business Express and enter your business name in the search box.
Effective January 1, 2003, the annual report or annual statement due date is dependent on the registration date. If the date of registration falls between:
- January 1 and March 31,
the annual report or statement is due by March 31 of each year; - April 1 and June 30,
the annual report or statement is due by June 30 of each year; - July 1 and September 30,
the annual report or statement is due by September 30 of each year; - October 1 and December 31,
the annual report or statement is due by December 31 of each year;
provided that if an entity is registered in the same year in which the annual report or statement is due, the registered entity shall not be required to file an annual report or statement for that year.
The annual report or statement provides the public with information on the business entity and does not require financial information.
At the beginning of each filing quarter, the Business Registration Division will post a news release to its home page, under “What’s New.” The release serves as a reminder to filers and contains filing information and updates from the Division.
If you would like to receive reminders about your Annual Business Report, the Division offers the following:
- Annual business reports filed online can receive free email reminders the following year.
- Anyone can sign up for email reminders through the “MyBusiness Notifications” page on Hawaii Business Express. There is a $2.50 fee per year per business to subscribe.
- Initial business filings filed online through Hawaii Business Express can receive free email reminders when the annual report is due the following year.
For more information and/or to file your annual report/statement, click here.