Student Complaint Process
You may file a complaint with HPEAP after you exhaust all administrative remedies available at the institution. Note, however, if your complaint involves a violation of state or federal criminal law, this requirement does not apply.
Are you a former student? If it is still within two years after you discontinued enrollment at the institution, you may file a complaint. If two years has passed, the time within which you could file a complaint has passed. Note, however, that if your complaint is related to obtaining transcripts, the two-year restriction does not apply.
Complete and submit the HPEAP complaint form. HPEAP may investigate complaints based on possible violations of Act 180, SLH 2013 or any rules promulgated under this Act. HPEAP does not have jurisdiction to consider complaints that infringe on the academic or religious freedom of, or question the curriculum content of an institution.
After you complete the HPEAP complaint form, HPEAP determines whether your complaint was properly filed and whether it warrants investigation. If a complaint warrants investigation, HPEAP forwards the complaint to the institution. The institution has 30 days to respond in writing to the complaint. During the 30-day period, the institution, with HPEAP’s assistance, may attempt to resolve the complaint with you. If HPEAP determines at any time that the complaint no longer warrants investigation, HPEAP dismisses the complaint.
If a complaint is not resolved within the 30-day period, HPEAP may: 1) dismiss the complaint based on the response of the institution or 2) investigate and, where appropriate, take disciplinary action in a manner consistent with Hawaii Revised Statutes chapter 91.