Corinthian Outreach Information FAQ

The following information is from the Corinthian Colleges Outreach Program website ( before the Program Administrator discontinued maintaining the site.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why did I receive an Outreach mailing?
If you received an Outreach Mailing (Cover Letter, Attestation Form, and Return Envelope; or email), it is because you were identified, by the Outreach Administrator, as a potentially eligible student. You were identified using information obtained by state attorneys general from the U.S. Department of Education, including your name, address, and the campus, program(s), and time frames for which you were enrolled.

2. What is Corinthian Colleges?
Corinthian Colleges was the institution that operated under the names:
– Everest Institute, Everest College, and Everest University (together “Everest”)
– WyoTech
– Heald College (“Heald”)

3. What am I eligible for?
If you were enrolled in specific Everest, WyoTech, or Heald programs during some years, you are eligible for cancellation of the federal student loans used to attend those programs and reimbursement of amounts paid on those federal student loans.
Lists of covered programs and dates of enrollment, for Heald College, are available on the Important Documents and Links page.
If your student loan(s) is (are) cancelled, you will not have to make additional payments on the loan(s) and payments you have already made will be refunded.
To apply for loan cancellation, you must complete and submit an Attestation Form. For instructions on how to complete an Attestation Form, please see FAQ 4.
Note: If you have already completed and submitted the form, whether online or a hard copy, you do not need to do so again.

4. What does the Attestation Form do?
The Attestation Form is required to obtain loan forgiveness for loans taken out by students who attended a program affected by fraud at Corinthian Colleges (including Everest, WyoTech, and Heald College).
The form covers federal Direct Loans received on or after July 1, 2010. Most federal student loans made after July 1, 2010 were Direct Loans.
Lists of covered programs and dates of enrollment, for Everest, WyoTech, and Heald College, are available on the Important Documents and Links page. Please fill out the Attestation Form if your campus, program and enrollment start date are included on one of the lists. If you are not sure whether you should fill out the Attestation Form or are confused by the list of covered programs, you can call the U.S. Department of Education hotline at 1-855-279-6207 or email questions to [email protected].
There are multiple options on where and how to complete an Attestation Form.

I. You may complete and submit the form online at the U.S. Department of Education’s website:
Note: Applying online is the fastest way to have your application processed by the U.S. Department of Education.

II. You may complete and submit a hard copy of the form, via standard mail:
Using the Attestation Form and Return Envelope mailed to you, or by downloading an Attestation Form located on the Important Documents page, please complete, sign, and submit your form, including any supplementary documents, to:
U.S. Department of Education
P.O. Box 429060
San Francisco, CA 94142

III. You may complete and submit an electronic copy of the form, via email:
First download the proper Attestation Form (based on the school which you attended) located on the Important Documents and Links page, complete the form electronically, then print a hard copy of the form, sign the form, scan the signed form, and submit your form and any supporting documents via email to:
[email protected]

5. Am I eligible for loan forgiveness if I did not attend one of the listed programs?
Students who did not attend programs where the U.S. Department of Education found misleading job placement rates may still be eligible for loan forgiveness based on borrower defense to repayment. Instructions for those students to file a claim for loan forgiveness can be found at the Borrower Defense to Repayment page of the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid website (https://https:/

6. Should I make payments on my loans while I am waiting on a decision on my application for loan cancellation?
When you fill out the Attestation Form, you will have to choose whether you want your federal student loan payments to go in forbearance (a period when payments do not have to be made) while the application for loan cancellation is pending. If you choose to go into forbearance, interest will continue to accrue on your federal student loans, causing the balance to increase while payments are not made. An explanation about the meaning of forbearance, and a warning that interest will continue to accrue, is located at the Federal Student Aid website (https://https:/
It is important to understand that it may take time for the U.S. Department of Education to process your application, so you should continue making payments on the affected loans until you are informed that your loans are in forbearance while your application is pending or that your loans have been cancelled. If you have questions about forbearance or whether you should be making payments, you can call the U.S. Department of Education hotline at 1-855-279-6207 or email questions to [email protected].

7. Where can I find more information?
For more information about Corinthian Colleges, eligibility for loan discharge, and other U.S. Department of Education efforts can be found at the Frequently Asked Questions page of the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid website.

8. Who is the Outreach Administrator? Who is Epiq?
Epiq Systems, Inc. is the Outreach Administrator. We have been hired by state attorneys general to assist in identifying, locating, and sending Outreach Mailings to eligible students. More information about Epiq is available here.